Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Lifestyle of Worship

A few months ago, a friend of mine and I were discussing our favourite worship songs. We spoke about the lyrics that had impacted us and that we had found relevant in our own walks with God. We then started speaking about our churches’ worship bands. She went to a conservative church where they used minimal instruments and had very short worship sessions whereas my church had a full band and had long worship sessions. At the end of this discussion my friend made a comment that really stuck out to me, “Isn’t it great that worshipping God isn’t just about music?”
Worshipping God is indeed about a lot more than just songs sung on a Sunday. This is good news for those people who don’t enjoy music or aren’t musically gifted. Imagine if we could only worship God by singing well or raising our hands during worship? God doesn’t look at these things, He looks at our hearts. I’m not saying that worship songs don’t truly worship God; they are just one of the ways that we can worship God.
What I have learnt is that the best way to worship God is with our lives. Worship isn’t only something that we do on a Sunday, but every day of our lives. We need to adopt a lifestyle of worship where we seek each day to glorify God through everything we do.
I was looking up the definition of worship and found that most dictionaries specify that worship involves not only giving praise to God, but also showing that we respect and love Him. When we adopt a lifestyle of worship, it causes us to focus on Him above all else. This is a way that we show God respect. We show Him that He is the most important part of our lives.
We also show our love for God when we worship Him. But how do we do this? The best way to show love for God is to be obedient to Him. 2 John 1:6 speaks about how love is walking in obedience to God’s commands. In order to know God’s commands, we need to know the Bible really well. We also need to pray often so that we learn to identify God’s voice. This will help us to be more aware of when He is prompting us to do something.
I’m not saying that we need to be perfect. We are all sinners and fall short of His glory. We are bound to make mistakes along the way. What’s so amazing though is that God forgives us when we make those mistakes. He is also there to help us in our quest to glorify Him. When you are committed to worshipping God with your life and you ask Him for help, He will equip you. His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
When we worship God with our lives, when we put Him first and are obedient to Him, we will change. We will have a deep sense of joy knowing that we are doing the will of our Heavenly Father. We won’t be the only ones to change though, but our families, our friends and our colleagues will change too. When we choose to worship God with our lives, He will use us to impact the people around us. He will shine through us and people will want to know the reason why we are filled with joy. We then get to worship God through sharing Him with these people. God will also help us to identify our gifts and use them for His glory.
Friends, I encourage you to adopt a lifestyle of worship. Write down the words ‘I want to worship God with my life’ on a piece of paper or in your diary so that you see it every day and it will remind you of the commitment you’ve made. Start each day with the prayer: “Lord, may I glorify You with my life today.” Keep your eyes on Him, keep seeking Him and He will do amazing things through you.

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